Bevor es hier im Blog mit Armenien, Moldawien, Kirgistan, Kuba usw. weitergeht, erlaube ich mir einen privaten Ausflug.
Zu diesem Eintrag passt
Die Ärzte sind aus traurigem Anlass gerade in den Medien, dabei ist immer die richtige Zeit, deren Musik zu huldigen. Farin Urlaub ist einer der begnadetsten deutschsprachigen Texter. Die Texte sind so vielfältig, dass ich fast jede Woche ein paar Zeilen von seinen Liedern im Kopf habe. Dazu kommt die musikalische Vielfalt der Ärzte, an der nur ganz wenige Bands dieser Welt heran kommen. Die Songs von Farin Urlaub sind für mich daher der Soundtrack des Lebens:
Da ich das Musikhören mit der 60/70er Plattensammlung meines Vater anfing, kam ich relativ spät dazu, aktuelle Musik zu hören. Die Klassenkameraden fuhren auf The Prodigy und Co. ab, aber ich hasste das. Klar, wenn man von den Rolling Stones kommt, ist der Schritt zu hart. (Wenige Jahre später wurde ich dennoch Voodoo people.) Irgendwann wurde ich gefragt, ob ich nicht mit zum Konzert der Ärzte kommen wollte. Na klar wollte ich, denn ich war noch nie auf einem Konzert, dazu noch Open Air. Die Musik wäre mir völlig egal gewesen. Um mich textlich nicht zu blamieren, kaufte ich mir deren aktuelle Scheibe und war begeistert. So eine Vielfalt an Stilen und dazu noch herrliche Texte, die man nicht vergisst. Für jede Lebenslage war etwas dabei. Ich weiß nicht (ob es Liebe ist) hat damals perfekt gepasst.
Das Konzert war toll und danach gehörte auch das grandiose Album Die Bestie in Menschengestalt mir. Ich wusste nie was ich werden wollte, aber, dass es nicht Kassierer wird, stand nun fest. (Was aus Kassierern wird, ist hinreichend bekannt ;-) )
Ich mochte mich noch nie auf eine Stilrichtung festlegen, insofern war und ist dieses Album bis heute in meiner Top 10. Welche "Punkband" veröffentlicht auf einem Album einen Tango-mit-Klezmer-Song zusammen mit einem spanischen Emo-Rocksong? Und der Omaboy wurde später zu Bundi/Zivi-Zeiten wieder Thema.
Das Leben ging weiter und das ohne Die Ärtze. Ich verlor sie aus den Ohren bis mir jemand an den Kopf knallte, dass ich unausstehlich sei, mit meiner "ich bin dagegen" Mentalität. Ich würde den Ärzte Song Rebell verkörpern. In der Tat beschrieb er mich ganz gut und holte mich so aus meiner spätpubertären Phase. Ich ging wiedermal auf ein Ärtze Konzert, das mit 3 Stunden auch das längste einer einzelnen Band bis heute ist. Beim anschließenden Stöbern bei Audiogalaxy entdeckte ich textliche Perlen wie Erna P.: "Erna P. düst langsam weg, im Fernsehen läuft der letzte Dreck". Was für ein Reim! ;-)
Man wird älter und die Welt beginnt zu nerven. Man hat das Gefühl, dass Vieles nicht stimmt und fühlt sich ohnmächtig, etwas zu ändern. Aber hey, "Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist wie sie ist, es wär' nur deine Schuld wenn sie so bleibt!". "Weil jeder der die Welt nicht ändern will ihr Todesurteil unterschreibt.". Das ist DAS Motto für mich geworden. Man kann wenig bewegen, aber man muss sich trauen und vor allem einmal damit anfangen. Man hat ja leider oft nichts Gesehen.
Mit der Zeit muss ich oft an Lasse Redn denken. Ein musikalisch nerviger Song, der es aber einfach trifft: "Sei höflich und sag nichts, das ärgert sie am meisten." Stimmt.
Bei meinem ersten Konzert als Schlagzeuger habe ich unter anderem Zu Spät auf einer Hochzeit gespielt. Toll, wenn hundert Leute den kompletten Text mitsingen und mit der Hochzeit ist es ja auch wirklich zu spät.
Nach einigen Herzschmerzen stellt man fest, dass Farin Urlaub auch unter eigenem Namen Songs schreibt. Seine Soloalben geben Raum auch für tiefergehende Texte. Es gibt so Momente im Leben, auf die man nicht öffentlich eingehen möchte, daher sind hier ein paar unkommentiert, die mich mitunter sehr bewegt haben:
Kein zurück
Immer Noch
Am Strand
Krieg, nicht wegen des Songs, aber wegen der unübertroffenen Zeile:
"Ich bin nur ein Mann, aber auch ich hab Gefühle. Ich gebe gerne zu es sind nicht so viele. Wenn ich durchzählen müsste, es sind ungefähr drei, aber Wut und Hass sind dabei."
Das Leben ist nur manchmal hart; gut die Kollegen nerven. Aber Ich gehöre nicht dazu. Und wer will schon Frauen verstehen?
Wie dem auch sei, ich beende die Huldigung ehe mir Gesichtsverlust droht.
Blog about insights to different countries. From the perspective of a traveler but with political background, history and a balanced mixture of nature and culture.
Oct 3, 2016
Apr 27, 2016
Caucasus conflicts in a nutshell
Today's topic is very difficult and you must stay tough. Thus it deserves a longer piece of good music:
Thievery Corporation - The Richest Man In Babylon
Wherever you are in the Caucasus you will be impressed by the many different cultural things. The countries and regions are quite small while the culture is so versatile. One reason are the high mountains that made it impossible to stay in contact with other regions in winter time the other one is the location at the border of Europe and Asia. The result is a fragmented region in terms of almost everything. There are different ethnics,
languages, religions, architecture due to influences from Persia, Russia and the Ottomans. As a sad side effect there are also several different conflicts.
The current political situation is extremely complicated and in my opinion also a result of the way the people in the Caucasus think about each other. This behavior reminds me of my impressions from the Balkans. To get an overview about the Caucasus conflicts we start with this map that shows the current political situation and the influences:
Abkhazia split from Georgia after a war that was won with the help of Russia. The origins of this conflict are mainly repressions during the soviet time. This point is very important because this affects so many conflicts in former soviet states. It was the usual way for Stalin to suppress people by either killing them, deporting them or by integrating regions that wanted independence into other soviet republics. In this case the Abkhaz SSR was downgraded in 1931 to an ASSR withing the Georgian SSR. (The Soviet Union (USSR) consisted of SSRs which where like US states inside the USA and had the right to leave the union. The ASSRs were the next level below with autonomous rights within a SSR, the AOs were a level below an ASSR with less autonomous rights within a SSR.) Later on the different republics often repressed their minorities while the central soviet government accepted this more or less. The Abkhaz-Georgian conflict resulted in a war ending in a massacre.
Note for travelers: It is possible to go to Abkhazia from Georgia as foreigner. One only needs to contact the Abkhaz foreign ministry via email. Send them a copy of your passport and the date you want to enter. The Georgian authorities doesn't like that but well, they say Abkhazia is part of their country and they therefore cannot forbid you to just visit a province of their country. I tried to go there as as well and even had my permission papers but eventually did not have the time to go there. It was nevertheless fun to fight with the lady in the foreign ministry against her "Soviet service": All replies in a harsh tone without any hello, thanks, dear Mr. or anything standard politeness. I had the feeling that I was not really welcome. After a dozen mails we got in closer contact and it is really sad that I could not meet her personally to talk in Sukhumi. I see now that the website of the ministry is in a much better shape with all the information. So it seems my fight helped.
South Ossetia became also a de-facto independent republic with Russian help. I tried to find out more about the origins and reactions of Georgia against the Ossetians but nobody could explain this. It is hard to understand why they did not simply accept South Ossetia as autonomous region within Georgia as the Ossetians requested. Instead, this war and this war later it is now impossible to cross the border from Georgia to South Ossetia and vice versa. Families are split, many people lost their houses and some even their lives. As a stranger I often asked people for what this was worth it. It is astonishing that so many don't recognize the stupidity of killing each other instead of trying to live together. As I once wrote:
What is really important in life to fight for?
To be loved, having enough to eat and drink, having a family and children, having a place to live, having a job, earning enough money to pay the food and the flat, that all children get a good education and that everybody in the society gets a perspective.
I spoke to many former soldiers, not only in the Caucasus region, and nobody fought for these important things. I heard things about honor, patriotism etc. while they are still living in poor houses, many without a job and their children don't have perspectives for a good future. This frustration often leads to more wars about nothing essential. This is the second important point to keep in mind.
The conflict about Nagorno-Karabakh (often called Artsakh) is a conflict that will most probably cause another war since many countries are involved. To explain this, one needs at first to have a look at the history of Armenia and especially in the one of Artsakh. The former main city Shusha, once one of the largest cities in the Caucasus was destroyed during a massacre at the Armenian inhabitants. The rest of the region remained populated by Armenians (more than 90%). When the Soviet republics were created Nakhichevan was included as ASSR to the Azerbaijan SSR as exclave while Artsakh was not included to the Armenian SSR. It was made an AO inside the Azeri SSR. The decision to keep a corridor of only 5 km outside Artsakh made it an exclave. (I have been there and it is crazy what constructs people create at office desks. I have no other explanation than that they had never been there before the creation.)
What followed were repressive times for the Armenians with things like no Armenian textbooks in schools etc.. The fraction of Armenian population in Artsakh reduced down to 75% (and in Nakhichevan from about 20% to almost zero). In 1988 the Armenians demanded Artsakh to be integrated to their SSR which was refused by the soviet supreme court. The Armenians continued their demands and the results were pogroms like the one in Baku and the Soviet central government intervened in Baku. It is important to remember that that time the iron curtain was not yet fallen and the Soviet union seemed to be in full power. But obviously it already begun to dissolve. A long war followed with the result that the Armenians gained control of most of the Artsakh region and the corridor.
I wrote that there will be another war. Now the arrows in the graphic above come into play. Azerbaijan is a rich country thanks to their natural gas. Azerbaijan sells it to Turkey and Georgia (there is a pipeline crossing Georgia); violet arrows. Russia supports Armenia (besides Ossetia and Abkhazia) with weapons and also with money and economic treaties; blue arrows. But Russia also sells weapons to Azerbaijan; red arrow. As long as the Russians are supporting Armenia Azerbaijan won't win a war. Therefore Russia has a strong control over Armenia. If Armenia is not doing what Russia wants they risk a war and most probably loosing this war since the Azeri military budget is greater than the whole budget of the Armenian state. Moreover Armenia would like to annul the Treaty of Kars that gave the Kars region to Turkey. The Turkish-Armenian border is closed for almost 100 years. Attempts to open it are blocked by Azerbaijan. They can argue to deliver less gas or to sell it otherwise. On the other hand Azerbaijan needs the money from Turkey and Nakhichevan can only be reached either via Iran or from Turkey via this small corridor. Another aspect is that the Turks are Muslims like the Azeris. But wait, the Azeris are muslims? During the 70 years of Soviet union religion did not play a role. Therefore the situation is like in most former socialist countries that only a minority is really religious. In Azerbaijan only about 20% say that religion plays an important role in their life.
The question is why does Azerbaijan want another war? In fact it is rich but the people there are still poor. Only the clan around President Aliyev benefits from the money. I met in Armenia a journalist from Latvia who just came from Azerbaijan and what he reported is what one can expect from such an economy:
The money is not invested to help the country. In contrary, Baku is rebuild with skyscrapers where the majority still has to live like in Soviet times. As dictator it is important to have a conflict outside your reign. If people making trouble because of a high unemployment rate etc. you can always argue that this is all only because of the evil neighbor. This method is simple and is proven to work very well by dictators/kings etc. for thousands of years. Instead of buying weapons and building skyscrapers one could build many nice apartment houses for workers, modernize and build up industry, renovate schools etc. But nothing seems to happen.
I now left my objectivity not because I had to scream when I saw the recent fights at the Artsakh border in the news. I tried to enter Azerbaijan before I entered Armenia but was treated like an agent provocateur despite that I did not know anything about the conflicts that time. Since the beginning of 2015 it was no longer possible to simply enter the country as tourist. They told me that I am not allowed to move freely in the country, only in Baku. In Baku however, one cannot go to a hotel one likes. They gave me a list of allowed hotels. I had a look in the Internet and there was no allowed hotel with prices less than 120$ the night. Incredible because the normal prices were about 50$. I also asked if it is possible to travel from Baku to Armenia - a bad mistake. I was threatened that I won't be allowed to enter Azerbaijan if I enter Armenia first (the Armenians don't care if you were in Azerbaijan at first) and if I visit Artsakh I will be banned for lifetime. What the hell!
It might be that now, over a year later, things have changed but how frightened must the dictator be that traveling around the country is not allowed for normal tourists.
What makes me really sad is that the brave Azeris have to suffer the most and that their sons are dying in a conflict that don't change their daily life to a better one.
At last I want to point out that I am not on the Armenian side. I am on no one's side. My point is to stop killing. Let people life like they want, don't look back to see what happened in the past. Past is past and you live now. Fight instead for a better life with a job and good education for your children. Fight against dictators and corruption! Armenia as country is by the way the most corrupt country I have ever been.
A solution could be so easy: Azerbaijan accepts that Artsakh and the corridor is part of Armenia and Artsakh gives the region of Agdam back to Azerbaijan. This would avoid to move people around again (which would only cause more frustration) and with an open border it would be possible for everyone to go to places where his family lived in the past. This worked with western Poland/eastern Germany and now we are even together in a political union. Revenge only lead to counter revenge. One needs to stop this!
There are other conflicts in the Caucasus. Remember for example the first and second war of Russia against Chechnya. The Ingushs and the Chechens suffered from genocides during the Stalin era. After the dissolve of the Soviet Union tensions between the different ethnics in the north Caucasus resulted in violence. The list of clashes shows that there is no end of violence insight.
Thievery Corporation - The Richest Man In Babylon
Wherever you are in the Caucasus you will be impressed by the many different cultural things. The countries and regions are quite small while the culture is so versatile. One reason are the high mountains that made it impossible to stay in contact with other regions in winter time the other one is the location at the border of Europe and Asia. The result is a fragmented region in terms of almost everything. There are different ethnics,
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Ethnics in the Caucasus; image source |
languages, religions, architecture due to influences from Persia, Russia and the Ottomans. As a sad side effect there are also several different conflicts.
The current political situation is extremely complicated and in my opinion also a result of the way the people in the Caucasus think about each other. This behavior reminds me of my impressions from the Balkans. To get an overview about the Caucasus conflicts we start with this map that shows the current political situation and the influences:
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modified from this image |
Abkhazia split from Georgia after a war that was won with the help of Russia. The origins of this conflict are mainly repressions during the soviet time. This point is very important because this affects so many conflicts in former soviet states. It was the usual way for Stalin to suppress people by either killing them, deporting them or by integrating regions that wanted independence into other soviet republics. In this case the Abkhaz SSR was downgraded in 1931 to an ASSR withing the Georgian SSR. (The Soviet Union (USSR) consisted of SSRs which where like US states inside the USA and had the right to leave the union. The ASSRs were the next level below with autonomous rights within a SSR, the AOs were a level below an ASSR with less autonomous rights within a SSR.) Later on the different republics often repressed their minorities while the central soviet government accepted this more or less. The Abkhaz-Georgian conflict resulted in a war ending in a massacre.
Note for travelers: It is possible to go to Abkhazia from Georgia as foreigner. One only needs to contact the Abkhaz foreign ministry via email. Send them a copy of your passport and the date you want to enter. The Georgian authorities doesn't like that but well, they say Abkhazia is part of their country and they therefore cannot forbid you to just visit a province of their country. I tried to go there as as well and even had my permission papers but eventually did not have the time to go there. It was nevertheless fun to fight with the lady in the foreign ministry against her "Soviet service": All replies in a harsh tone without any hello, thanks, dear Mr. or anything standard politeness. I had the feeling that I was not really welcome. After a dozen mails we got in closer contact and it is really sad that I could not meet her personally to talk in Sukhumi. I see now that the website of the ministry is in a much better shape with all the information. So it seems my fight helped.
South Ossetia became also a de-facto independent republic with Russian help. I tried to find out more about the origins and reactions of Georgia against the Ossetians but nobody could explain this. It is hard to understand why they did not simply accept South Ossetia as autonomous region within Georgia as the Ossetians requested. Instead, this war and this war later it is now impossible to cross the border from Georgia to South Ossetia and vice versa. Families are split, many people lost their houses and some even their lives. As a stranger I often asked people for what this was worth it. It is astonishing that so many don't recognize the stupidity of killing each other instead of trying to live together. As I once wrote:
What is really important in life to fight for?
To be loved, having enough to eat and drink, having a family and children, having a place to live, having a job, earning enough money to pay the food and the flat, that all children get a good education and that everybody in the society gets a perspective.
I spoke to many former soldiers, not only in the Caucasus region, and nobody fought for these important things. I heard things about honor, patriotism etc. while they are still living in poor houses, many without a job and their children don't have perspectives for a good future. This frustration often leads to more wars about nothing essential. This is the second important point to keep in mind.
The conflict about Nagorno-Karabakh (often called Artsakh) is a conflict that will most probably cause another war since many countries are involved. To explain this, one needs at first to have a look at the history of Armenia and especially in the one of Artsakh. The former main city Shusha, once one of the largest cities in the Caucasus was destroyed during a massacre at the Armenian inhabitants. The rest of the region remained populated by Armenians (more than 90%). When the Soviet republics were created Nakhichevan was included as ASSR to the Azerbaijan SSR as exclave while Artsakh was not included to the Armenian SSR. It was made an AO inside the Azeri SSR. The decision to keep a corridor of only 5 km outside Artsakh made it an exclave. (I have been there and it is crazy what constructs people create at office desks. I have no other explanation than that they had never been there before the creation.)
What followed were repressive times for the Armenians with things like no Armenian textbooks in schools etc.. The fraction of Armenian population in Artsakh reduced down to 75% (and in Nakhichevan from about 20% to almost zero). In 1988 the Armenians demanded Artsakh to be integrated to their SSR which was refused by the soviet supreme court. The Armenians continued their demands and the results were pogroms like the one in Baku and the Soviet central government intervened in Baku. It is important to remember that that time the iron curtain was not yet fallen and the Soviet union seemed to be in full power. But obviously it already begun to dissolve. A long war followed with the result that the Armenians gained control of most of the Artsakh region and the corridor.
I wrote that there will be another war. Now the arrows in the graphic above come into play. Azerbaijan is a rich country thanks to their natural gas. Azerbaijan sells it to Turkey and Georgia (there is a pipeline crossing Georgia); violet arrows. Russia supports Armenia (besides Ossetia and Abkhazia) with weapons and also with money and economic treaties; blue arrows. But Russia also sells weapons to Azerbaijan; red arrow. As long as the Russians are supporting Armenia Azerbaijan won't win a war. Therefore Russia has a strong control over Armenia. If Armenia is not doing what Russia wants they risk a war and most probably loosing this war since the Azeri military budget is greater than the whole budget of the Armenian state. Moreover Armenia would like to annul the Treaty of Kars that gave the Kars region to Turkey. The Turkish-Armenian border is closed for almost 100 years. Attempts to open it are blocked by Azerbaijan. They can argue to deliver less gas or to sell it otherwise. On the other hand Azerbaijan needs the money from Turkey and Nakhichevan can only be reached either via Iran or from Turkey via this small corridor. Another aspect is that the Turks are Muslims like the Azeris. But wait, the Azeris are muslims? During the 70 years of Soviet union religion did not play a role. Therefore the situation is like in most former socialist countries that only a minority is really religious. In Azerbaijan only about 20% say that religion plays an important role in their life.
The question is why does Azerbaijan want another war? In fact it is rich but the people there are still poor. Only the clan around President Aliyev benefits from the money. I met in Armenia a journalist from Latvia who just came from Azerbaijan and what he reported is what one can expect from such an economy:
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Export trading map from 2009; image source |
The money is not invested to help the country. In contrary, Baku is rebuild with skyscrapers where the majority still has to live like in Soviet times. As dictator it is important to have a conflict outside your reign. If people making trouble because of a high unemployment rate etc. you can always argue that this is all only because of the evil neighbor. This method is simple and is proven to work very well by dictators/kings etc. for thousands of years. Instead of buying weapons and building skyscrapers one could build many nice apartment houses for workers, modernize and build up industry, renovate schools etc. But nothing seems to happen.
I now left my objectivity not because I had to scream when I saw the recent fights at the Artsakh border in the news. I tried to enter Azerbaijan before I entered Armenia but was treated like an agent provocateur despite that I did not know anything about the conflicts that time. Since the beginning of 2015 it was no longer possible to simply enter the country as tourist. They told me that I am not allowed to move freely in the country, only in Baku. In Baku however, one cannot go to a hotel one likes. They gave me a list of allowed hotels. I had a look in the Internet and there was no allowed hotel with prices less than 120$ the night. Incredible because the normal prices were about 50$. I also asked if it is possible to travel from Baku to Armenia - a bad mistake. I was threatened that I won't be allowed to enter Azerbaijan if I enter Armenia first (the Armenians don't care if you were in Azerbaijan at first) and if I visit Artsakh I will be banned for lifetime. What the hell!
It might be that now, over a year later, things have changed but how frightened must the dictator be that traveling around the country is not allowed for normal tourists.
What makes me really sad is that the brave Azeris have to suffer the most and that their sons are dying in a conflict that don't change their daily life to a better one.
At last I want to point out that I am not on the Armenian side. I am on no one's side. My point is to stop killing. Let people life like they want, don't look back to see what happened in the past. Past is past and you live now. Fight instead for a better life with a job and good education for your children. Fight against dictators and corruption! Armenia as country is by the way the most corrupt country I have ever been.
A solution could be so easy: Azerbaijan accepts that Artsakh and the corridor is part of Armenia and Artsakh gives the region of Agdam back to Azerbaijan. This would avoid to move people around again (which would only cause more frustration) and with an open border it would be possible for everyone to go to places where his family lived in the past. This worked with western Poland/eastern Germany and now we are even together in a political union. Revenge only lead to counter revenge. One needs to stop this!
There are other conflicts in the Caucasus. Remember for example the first and second war of Russia against Chechnya. The Ingushs and the Chechens suffered from genocides during the Stalin era. After the dissolve of the Soviet Union tensions between the different ethnics in the north Caucasus resulted in violence. The list of clashes shows that there is no end of violence insight.
Feb 1, 2016
Thanks and goodbye from Georgia
This post is for all people who made this trip possible. Many thanks Zaira for a nice city tour, background information and help with logistics.
Many thanks also to the other ladies from the office of the Deutsche Wirtschaftsvereinigung (DWV) in Tbilisi. Zaira and their team made it possible to meet business people working in Tbilisi. This was a very interesting insight.They amde it also possible to watch the game of the German national football team in the impressive Boris Paichadze National Stadium stadium for only 10 Lari.
The talks with the business men were more interesting than the football match because the Germans were too strong. The funny thing is that I ended up in a bar with French diplomats. Many thanks to the 2 ladies from the French embassy for 2 cool evenings!
Many thanks also to Keti from Batumi (I met so many Ketis ;-) ). It was a lot of fun to explore the student life in Tbilisi. I also enjoyed the interesting talks about the society, art and politics.
Georgia was the first country I visited for the first time in 2015. Armenia, Karabakh, Ukraine, Transnistria, Moldova and Cuba followed. So I had an incredible input. It is not fair to rank countries. All I want to say that it impressed me the most. The people are friendly and the landscape is absolutely incredible. (And I even missed the high mountain part.) Georgia is a small country and its diverse landscapes remind me of the beautiful Albania.
It impressed me a lot that it was possible to turn one of the most corrupt countries into a country without visible corruption that quickly. There is still a long way to go but the Georgians can be proud of what they already achieved.
The Georgian society still needs more time to modernize in my opinion. The patriarchy society is a outdated and I had the feeling that the younger people don't want this anymore. What scared me is the religiosity because it felt so unreal. I have seen a lot of priests in expensive cars while there is still poverty. That the catholicos-patriarch is treated like a saint despite he held this position also in soviet times is hard to understand.
Tbilisi is one of the foreign cities where I can imagine to live. It has everything: mountains, a lot of culture, many parks an acceptable transport system, great architecture. It is also not far away from the sea and the plane connections are cheap and good. Of course life there is not that easy with an average Georgian salary and the Georgian language is difficult to learn. Reading the Georgian script was unexpectedly easy - as easy as Cyrillic.
Tbilisi is a very good place to go out and get connected. I met a lot of foreigners in the many bars and pubs.
All in all Georgia is one of my top countries and I would like to come back!
Thanks for showing me cool locations like this one. |
Zaira - always busy ;) |
Many thanks also to the other ladies from the office of the Deutsche Wirtschaftsvereinigung (DWV) in Tbilisi. Zaira and their team made it possible to meet business people working in Tbilisi. This was a very interesting insight.They amde it also possible to watch the game of the German national football team in the impressive Boris Paichadze National Stadium stadium for only 10 Lari.
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Just to prove that I was there. |
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The talks with the business men were more interesting than the football match because the Germans were too strong. The funny thing is that I ended up in a bar with French diplomats. Many thanks to the 2 ladies from the French embassy for 2 cool evenings!
Many thanks also to Keti from Batumi (I met so many Ketis ;-) ). It was a lot of fun to explore the student life in Tbilisi. I also enjoyed the interesting talks about the society, art and politics.
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Keti and her boyfriend. |
Georgia was the first country I visited for the first time in 2015. Armenia, Karabakh, Ukraine, Transnistria, Moldova and Cuba followed. So I had an incredible input. It is not fair to rank countries. All I want to say that it impressed me the most. The people are friendly and the landscape is absolutely incredible. (And I even missed the high mountain part.) Georgia is a small country and its diverse landscapes remind me of the beautiful Albania.
It impressed me a lot that it was possible to turn one of the most corrupt countries into a country without visible corruption that quickly. There is still a long way to go but the Georgians can be proud of what they already achieved.
The Georgian society still needs more time to modernize in my opinion. The patriarchy society is a outdated and I had the feeling that the younger people don't want this anymore. What scared me is the religiosity because it felt so unreal. I have seen a lot of priests in expensive cars while there is still poverty. That the catholicos-patriarch is treated like a saint despite he held this position also in soviet times is hard to understand.
Tbilisi is one of the foreign cities where I can imagine to live. It has everything: mountains, a lot of culture, many parks an acceptable transport system, great architecture. It is also not far away from the sea and the plane connections are cheap and good. Of course life there is not that easy with an average Georgian salary and the Georgian language is difficult to learn. Reading the Georgian script was unexpectedly easy - as easy as Cyrillic.
Tbilisi is a very good place to go out and get connected. I met a lot of foreigners in the many bars and pubs.
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In Tbilisi you can even buy flowers at a rainy day at midnight. |
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Fun with people from Italy, USA, England and Germany. |
All in all Georgia is one of my top countries and I would like to come back!
Riding around Tbilisi - part 2
Here we are, at the "History of Georgia" monument at the mount Kenisi.
While enjoying the view from there one might listen to Dimitri from Paris - La Vie
The monument is massive - 20 meters high pillars with reliefs and also large bronze statues of Georgian saints. The monument was built from 1985 until 2005 and was not completely finished. The artwork is from the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli who also created the mosaic at the bus station from my previous post, the monument "St. Nino" at this position, the monument "Man and Sun" at the entrance of the airport and some smaller ones in Tbilisi. Here is a list of all the many sculptures and monuments Tsereteli created.
Here is a nice slideshow with images of sculptures and monuments in Tbilisi.
There was almost nobody at the monument and also the Tbilisians I asked were never there nor did they know what this monument is about. I asked the bored policemen at the stair up to the monument but even he did not know anything (or said that he does not).
The mount Kenisi is more than 200 meters above Kura river so that one can enjoy interesting views:
The Tbilisi sea might look nice here but when you go closer it is disappointing. Its coast is as bald as the surrounding hills. I miss vegetation.
Back in the inner town I relaxed a bit in the Garden of the Democratic Republic of Georgia:
Stairway to "Stonehenge". |
While enjoying the view from there one might listen to Dimitri from Paris - La Vie
The monument is massive - 20 meters high pillars with reliefs and also large bronze statues of Georgian saints. The monument was built from 1985 until 2005 and was not completely finished. The artwork is from the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli who also created the mosaic at the bus station from my previous post, the monument "St. Nino" at this position, the monument "Man and Sun" at the entrance of the airport and some smaller ones in Tbilisi. Here is a list of all the many sculptures and monuments Tsereteli created.
Here is a nice slideshow with images of sculptures and monuments in Tbilisi.
There was almost nobody at the monument and also the Tbilisians I asked were never there nor did they know what this monument is about. I asked the bored policemen at the stair up to the monument but even he did not know anything (or said that he does not).
The unfinished part. |
Besides the pillars is this group of saints. |
Some scenes are from the Georgian Chronicles, some are from the bible. |
This church is part of the monument complex. |
The mount Kenisi is more than 200 meters above Kura river so that one can enjoy interesting views:
The huge Gldani neighborhood. |
View over the Kura towards Mtskheta. |
The Tbilisi sea. |
The Tbilisi sea might look nice here but when you go closer it is disappointing. Its coast is as bald as the surrounding hills. I miss vegetation.
Back in the inner town I relaxed a bit in the Garden of the Democratic Republic of Georgia:
The spring began. |
The Freedom Square around the corner. |
Jan 31, 2016
Riding around Tbilisi - part 1
It is time to finish my travel report from Tbilisi.
I used the last day before entering Armenia to rent a bike and driving around to places I found interesting. The diameter of Tbilisi is about 20 km so that one needs only one hour with slow speed to cross it by bike. It was therefore possible to explore several areas
As soundtrack for this post I recommend Saint Motel's great Daydream/Wetdream/Nightmare.
I started of course in da hood. and then climbed up the neighborhood above the Freedom Square.
The great thing if you have no plan is that you are free to do whatever you like. I noticed several times the concrete-metal tower and that day I just drove there to see what it is.
Before the descent I had to buy some cigarettes. I am a non-smoker but the first and only new year's resolution that every worked was to start smoking. Sounds stupid, but is fun because I only buy one package of cigarettes of every type. In Georgia cigarettes are incredibly cheap and there are many sorts to check out. While writing this blog entry I am smoking a Magna cigarette from my pool of Georgian cigarettes I bought during this trip.
To get to the tower I had to cross the Kura river at this weir. From there one can see the tower and also an interesting building:
Too bad that I did not enter the palace of rituals. The images from the interior are looking great and I like also the architecture.
Before crossing the river I had to have a look at the Ortachala bus station to check the buses to and from Yerevan in case my train will not run.
The tower is the home of the Georgian National University (SEU). The neighborhood around it unspectacular. I therefore decided to go straight to the Tbilisi sea and the monument I saw there on my ride to Mtskheta. To go there I had to cross Avlabari and then the large Kukia cemetery. Cemeteries look different in Georgia and also Armenia: The headstones have in most cases a photo engraved image of the persons in the grave and there are compartments for family graves surrounded by a fence. The photos on the headstones are a good idea because I believe they help to remember the person as you liked them. Imagine that your father died of Alzheimer's and the last two years of his life he could not even remember you. This is not how you want to remember him. An engraved image when he was e.g. 70 years old might help you. That is a complicated topic but I had time to think about it. In fact when I die I would like to get such a headstone.
I used the last day before entering Armenia to rent a bike and driving around to places I found interesting. The diameter of Tbilisi is about 20 km so that one needs only one hour with slow speed to cross it by bike. It was therefore possible to explore several areas
As soundtrack for this post I recommend Saint Motel's great Daydream/Wetdream/Nightmare.
I started of course in da hood. and then climbed up the neighborhood above the Freedom Square.
One of the beautiful houses that are damaged by earthquakes. (Look above the door.) |
An investment ruin. Its special shape is somewhat amazing. How did they manage to create the concrete blocks on top of the pillars? |
This area is interesting because there are places like this one and also modern apartment buildings. |
Around the corner is the valley station of the funicular up to the Mtatsminda park. |
The Mamadaviti street - one of my favorite streets. Cobblestones, very steep and a great view. |
The great thing if you have no plan is that you are free to do whatever you like. I noticed several times the concrete-metal tower and that day I just drove there to see what it is.
Before the descent I had to buy some cigarettes. I am a non-smoker but the first and only new year's resolution that every worked was to start smoking. Sounds stupid, but is fun because I only buy one package of cigarettes of every type. In Georgia cigarettes are incredibly cheap and there are many sorts to check out. While writing this blog entry I am smoking a Magna cigarette from my pool of Georgian cigarettes I bought during this trip.
The mentioned tower at the right side. |
Cigarettes are very cheap. (1 € = 2.3 Lari) |
To get to the tower I had to cross the Kura river at this weir. From there one can see the tower and also an interesting building:
The tower is getting closer |
This is the Celebration Palace of Rituals. |
Too bad that I did not enter the palace of rituals. The images from the interior are looking great and I like also the architecture.
Before crossing the river I had to have a look at the Ortachala bus station to check the buses to and from Yerevan in case my train will not run.
Flowering trees. |
Soviet art at the Ortachala bus station |
The station itself is not special. |
Now we are close to the tower. |
The tower is the home of the Georgian National University (SEU). The neighborhood around it unspectacular. I therefore decided to go straight to the Tbilisi sea and the monument I saw there on my ride to Mtskheta. To go there I had to cross Avlabari and then the large Kukia cemetery. Cemeteries look different in Georgia and also Armenia: The headstones have in most cases a photo engraved image of the persons in the grave and there are compartments for family graves surrounded by a fence. The photos on the headstones are a good idea because I believe they help to remember the person as you liked them. Imagine that your father died of Alzheimer's and the last two years of his life he could not even remember you. This is not how you want to remember him. An engraved image when he was e.g. 70 years old might help you. That is a complicated topic but I had time to think about it. In fact when I die I would like to get such a headstone.
The area around the SEU. |
A different view over the inner town with Bidzina Ivanishvili's house above it. |
A grave compartment. |
The images are sometimes hard, especially when there are children. |
The goal of the ride is getting closer. |
By chance I found the large spa and bathing resort Gino Paradise, It is quite expensive in my opinion but it is worth it. |
A closeup. |
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