Jan 6, 2014

Cycling the next round - Novi Beograd

Belgrade offers so many places to see and the city is not very large. And with this rented bike
My bike. (Capriolo builds good bikes (I tested some in a store.) but don't yet sell them in Germany.)
it was easy to see a lot. So start The Quantic Soul Orchestra - Melodious Wayfarerand and cross the Ada bridge to enter Novi Beograd - a part of the city full of concrete houses in the brutalist style:
View from the Ada bridge to the houses
behind the Novi Beograd railway station.
Typical view in Novi Beograd.
Interesting architecture. (I guess the
rooms will  get less light.)

Almost every city in eastern Europe has zones with concrete houses but Novi Beograd is a major part of the city and compared to concrete zones of other cities I find this area livable. There is enough space between the houses so that you can enjoy the view from the upper floors, there is some green and playgrounds and it is not far to the riversides.
At the railway station is a replica of the Terazije place how it looked in 1920. (I could not find out why it is there and how it was/is used.
The most impressing building of Novi Begrad is in my opinion the Western Gate. Unfortunately the Café in the "UFO" at its top is closed and also the tower with the huge advertisement is partially closed. The other tower contains flats and I tried to get a view over the city from its uppermost floor. But it was only possible to see the other tower through a bull's-eye window of the lift tower.
Another huge building is the Belgrade Arena. While crossing it, I noticed that Serbia's sport teams are very successful in different sports: basketball, handball, water polo, volleyball, tennis. They were not very successful recently in football but this sport is still the national sport.
The park around the tower has
seen better times.

"Terazije 1920"
The Western gate photographed
from the east.

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