Mar 5, 2015

About the Georgian script

The most read post in this blog was about Cyrillic. For this script I found a relatively easy way to learn it. For the Georgian script it is much more complicated because it is not derived from another alphabet. So one just has to learn it. Here is a transliteration table.

Obviously there fits no song but what about ვაკის პარკი - ბრძოლა წესების გარეშე (The Vake park is close to my location here.)

It took me five days until I could read Georgian and I am still struggling with some fonts. Like in Latin script the normal writing font has serifs. These small strokes ease the reading. For small texts like e.g. headlines or brand names one uses sans-serif fonts. The same is done for the Georgian script but in contrary to Latin the serifs make the difference. Compare e.g. these 3 different letters:
კ ვ პ
Modifying them makes it hard to distinguish them if you cannot understand Georgian. But sans-serif fonts are not the only hurdle. There exists also a short form for some letters. For example the რ can be written as h. (For more information see this article.) Here is an example of a font with simplified letters:

Try to read it using the transliteration table and you will fail. (It means "Procredit Banki").

Since Georgian script has no letter for the Latin 'f' they use for foreign words the ფ like in კაფე (cafe).

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