Mar 13, 2015

About using Mahshrutkas

Traveling here is almost exactly the same than in Albania. There are many marshrutkas to many directions and there are even timetables. Unfortunately they are hard to find. The people in the tourist information have them, so ask for this! (I will publish the timetables I got as soon as possible on
Using the marshrutkas is also the same: First come, first serve. If you are in small town it might be that there are only 2 marshrutkas a day to your destination and if the bus is already full, you will have to wait many hours or take an expensive taxi. Going from Borjomi to Akhaltsikhe I had such a situation. I was the first in the marshrutka and there are only 2 marshrutkas a day. People use the one in the morning to drive to work and I blocked one seat. If all seats are used, the bus don't let in more people and there was one guy who had to stay outside. 2 old woman were not happy about me but the bus driver stayed cool. Normally the marshrutkas are not full and the drivers are happy about every guest.

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