Mar 12, 2015

Beware of the dogs

Why do you write so often about dogs? Because this is an important topic. To not bother you again let me summarize what I have learned and what every traveler should know.

You can divide dogs into 3 divisions:
  1. Dogs protecting property of people.
    These are the most dangerous ones. Depending on the country, they will bite you for sure if you are not go away immediately. For example in Romania dogs of shepherds are much more dangerous than bears. There it is important to stay as a group (or like we say in Germany "the last one is bitten by the dog") and to have a stick with you to protect yourself. Here in Georgia and also in the Balkans just go away as quick as possible. You won't have a chance! In Georgia the dogs sometimes even block public roads. For example in Borjomi on the way to the Gogia fortress a kid ran out of the street gesticulating wildly and blocking my way. It took a while until I understood that the neighbor has a dangerous dog running around freely while the gate was open. If you just walk on the street he will run out and hunt you. In this case the owner of the dog was not at home also some other neighbors could not make it possible for me to cross the dog's area. They kindly guided me a way through their gardens. Another time I was warned by a taxi driver. Close to the Vardzia monastery is another one which is only 300 m away from the street and I just wanted to make some photos. Bad idea. The only way to go there is by car and then one has to wait until a nun comes out allowing you to get out of the car sending the dog away.
  2. Street dogs.
    They are usually not a problem in cities or towns. If they come too close it is normally sufficient to yell at them or to kick with the foot into their direction. As a cyclist you might be shocked when they run to you in full speed. But they don't bite because they want to have food and you are no food. So be prepared to throw some food while you are biking and everything should be fine.
  3. Very hungry wild dogs or dogs on drugs.
    It is impossible to say what will happen if you meet them. In Bolivia there were dogs on coca and alcohol and the only way to keep them away was to permanently throw stones to them.
    Here, after a long winter the wild dogs are very hungry and kind of desperate. For example in the middle of nowhere a dog came and jumped against the side wall of the train. They jump against cars and of course also to you. Don't panic because they are unfamiliar with that. Give them food and this should help. My mistake was to panic but when 2 large dogs with perhaps 20 kg weight jump at you it is hard not to panic.
    Be patient with pepper spray!. This might be forbidden or can make the dogs more agressive.

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