Mar 12, 2015

Unexpected skiing in Bakuriani

From Borjomi there is a narrow gauge railway to Bakuriani named Kukushka. It needs more than 2 hours for the 38 km so it is the perfect slow start of a hiking tour. OK, it starts at 7:15 in the morning and 3 km from the city center. If you have the chance to take it, do this! The landscape is nice and you will meet a lot of locals. It only cost 2 Lari and I fear its service will be stopped sooner or later because the Marshrutka cost 3-4 Lari and only needs 30 minutes.

All stations look like this one.
One of the 2 comfortable coaches. As the train is so
slow it is no problem to stay outside its cabin and taking pictures.
The locomotive was once build by Škoda in the 1960's.

The idea was to hike to this pass because this would only be 6 km and there was not much snow. The top station of the ski resort is close and one can take it back down for only 4 Lari. But I already told about the hungry wild dogs. After I spent all my cake to 2 of them I gave up. A car stopped and drove me without asking to the ski resort. There I found out that the price for the ski equipment was only 20 Lari (which I could reduce to 15, see the image why). One day with the ropeways cost 30 Lari. So I decided to go skiing one day. The weather was a dream - pure sun and an amazing wide view over the whole Caucasus.

As one can see the resort as basically only one descent in 4 variations.
Great view to the Greater Caucasus
(Bakuriani is in the Lesser Caucasus).

I have the feeling that I am totally 2012 because I am rather the only tourist here without a selfie stick. I therefore made two reinventions, the "melfie" (mirror selfie):

A melfie.
and the "strelfie" (selfie shot by a stranger):

A strelfie.
Just art.
Another view to the Greater Caucasus with th resort in front.
This is the pass I wanted to walk to.
View over the frozen Tabaskuri lake.
The ski were used ones from a tyrolean ski school. But the quality was no problem on the easy pistes.
An overview of the resort.

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