Mar 6, 2015

My first time in a TV live show

Zaira, a fried of mine living here, asked me if I would join her to go to a concert of Nino Katamadze. She said that it is rock music and I thought that there might be beer on the floor and people are jumping around on my toes. I therefore did not dress up and walked to the location. Well, it was this one:

The Tbilisi concert hall.

Most people were well dressed and it turned out that one is seated. First when we sit we realized that it is a TV lives how because of mother's day which is a national holiday in Georgia. The concert was therefore a special one with some guest singers and breaks where reporters were interviewing old people live around the country. These breaks were sometimes shocking because there was for example a retirement home that never had a heating. Sometimes it was funny when e.g. an old woman said her son would innocently be in jail and the minister for justice should release him. Yes, of course I did not understand a word but Zaira and the other girls kindly translated something.

Let's listen to a song of Nino: Nino Katamadze & Insight - Turfa

It was a charity show where one could donate money via mobile phone. To start the campaign the Georgian rugby team went it and people got crazy. They never played good in a world cup but rugby is very popular here. Because the show was broadcasted nation-wide the big companies of that country used this occasion and donated a lot of money. Who donated what amount was announced from time to time. In the end the show turned a bit into a commercial because also some researches were promoted some fundings and internships presented by different companies.

Part of the ladies crew (Magda, Martina, Keti and Keti).
The rugby team.
The awarded researchers.

The music consisted mainly of ballads. As I could not understand the text I was close to fell asleep. But suddenly the whole audience of about 2000 people start to sing with Nino - goosebumps! After the TV broadcasting was over the concert got rockier which is more what I prefer.

All in all a great experience since it was not only the first time in a live show but because it is exciting to see how it works abroad. And what tourist will get such an experience? I am therefore very thankful and was also well entertained.

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